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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Serge Demeyer and Theo Dirk Meijler and
                   Oscar Nierstrasz and Patrick Steyaert},
  journal =       {Communications of the ACM},
  month =         oct,
  note =          {SCI impact factor 1.797, ranked 9 / 79},
  number =        {10},
  pages =         {60-64},
  publisher =     {{ACM} Press},
  title =         {Design Guidelines for Tailorable Frameworks},
  volume =        {40},
  year =          {1997},
  abstract =      {Since the early 1980s, object-oriented frameworks
                   have demonstrated that programmers can encapsulate a
                   reusable, tailorable software architecture as a
                   collection of collaborating, extensible object
                   classes. Such frameworks are particularly important
                   for developing open systems in which not only
                   functionality but architecture is reused across a
                   family of related applications. Unfortunately, the
                   design of frameworks remains an art rather than a
                   science, because of the inherent conflict between
                   reuse - packaging software components that can be
                   reused in as many contexts as possible - and
                   tailorability - designing software architectures
                   easily adapted to target requirements.},
  annote =        {internationaljournal},
  top =           {9th in SCI citation index},

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